Future perspectives: unifying internship goals and caregiving skills of students – Saturday 14th April at 9 am at the Minerva Auditorium, Bastia Umbra with teaching coordinators of degree courses from different parts of Italy

‘The work internship in training the obstetrics student’. This is the title and topic of the meeting that will take place on Saturday 14th April at 9 am in Bastia Umbra, at the Minerva Auditorium of S&R Farmaceutici, attended by different teaching coordinators of Obstetrics degree Courses. The event will also see the participation of: Nicola Colacurci, president of the Association of Italian University Gynaecologists (Agui), Maria Vicario, president of the National Federation of the professional Order of Obstetrics (Fnopo), Antonio Lanzone, president of the national Commission of degree courses in obstetrics, Bassini Luciana, president of the Order of the obstetrics profession, Perugia. It will be promoted and organised by Fabio Parazzini and Sandro Gerli, the first president of the interdepartmental teaching college of the degree course in Obstetrics, from the University of Milan, the second president of the degree course in obstetrics of the University of Perugia, who will introduce the event.

Based on the premise that over fifty degree courses in obstetrics are currently active, each developed autonomously, resulting in the existence of different teaching methods, there is a need to plan a meeting between those in charge of the professional training of obstetrics students in the delivery room. Therefore Saturday will be an occasion for reflection, in order to better define and unify the goals of internships and caregiving skills across all degree courses in obstetrics. The organisers aim to activate a discussion between tutors of each year, the section coordinator and educational director of different degree courses, starting from educational experiences within the clinical context.

In the first session, moderated by Vicario and Lanzone, mentorship experiences will be compared and specifically: ‘Mentorship in the internship path’, with professor Miriam Guana, teaching coordinator of the degree course in obstetrics at the university of Brescia; ‘Reflective writing’ with prof. Paola Agnese Mauri, coordinator of the degree course in obstetrics from the University of Milan (Cloum); ‘training tutors’, with prof. Monica Antuono, teaching coordinator Cloum, Mantua campus; ‘The internship in obstetrics Units’, with prof. Simona Freddio, coordinator of technical-practical teaching and professional internships of the degree course in obstetrics from the University of Perugia; ‘Problem-based learning workshop (Pbl) for the discussion of clinical cases with prof. Alba Ricchi, head midwife and professional teaching director of the degree course in Obstetrics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; ‘Midwifery case lood model for Obstetrics students’, with prof. Antonella Nespoli, general coordinator of the degree course in obstetrics at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The second session will be moderated by Walter Costantini, director and chairman of the National Commission of Degree courses in obstetrics, and Rossana G. Iannitti, phd medical science liaison S&R farmaceutici will also report on ‘Probiotics: health and safety for mother and child’.


Rossana Furfaro