Prize awarded in Dubrovnik on occasion of the European Biotechnology Congress 2017
Biotechnology, the product of the year is by S&R FARMACEUTICI from Bastia Umbra announced on occasion of the CME Course ‘women’s health: from childbearing age to menopause’

Bastia Umbra, 27th May. -Just over two years since its foundation, S&R Farmaceutici spa from Bastia Umbra continues in its achievement of success. The latest example was announced on Saturday 27th May by the top management, the Chief Executive Officer Mauro Dionigi and General Manager Lucio Leonardi, to the audience of gynaecologists and obstetricians at the Minerva Auditorium in via dei Pioppi, on occasion of the continuous medical education (CME) course entitled ‘Women’s health: from childbearing age to menopause’.

Leonardi explained how “Our researcher participated in the European Biotechnology Congress 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, where each year important awards are given (Best biotechnology product award). Our very own ‘Revifast’, a resveratrol molecule in a magnesium hydroxide matrix, was declared product of the year 2017. This award broadens our horizons to beyond national borders and will enable us to achieve success in the field of research and development. Currently it is patented and registered in Italy and Europe as a nutraceutical product and we are working on patenting it worldwide. Simultaneously, we are continuing in our pursuit of research into the medicinal product and currently three studies are under way, with focus on rare diseases and muscular dystrophies. Revifast is an extremely powerful and versatile multifactorial antioxidant, hence its presence in different formulations in all three fields of our products: infertility and dysmetabolic syndrome; cardiology, cholesterol and triglyceride dysmetabolism; pelvic pain and premenstrual syndrome”.

Doctors who participated in the course under the scientific direction of prof. Pantaleo Greco, director of the obstetrics and gynaecology Clinic at the University Hospital of Ferrara, expressed their congratulations. Around fifty colleagues from all over Italy took part in the training day on women’s health. Demetrio Costantino discussed ‘The treatment of urogenital infections: pharmacological therapy and the use of probiotics’, while Carmelina Santilli focused on ‘Over 40s: from submergence to emergence’ and Paola Pantanetti talked about ‘Thyroid and pregnancy’ and ‘Insulin resistance and its complications: Pcos (polycystic ovary syndrome) and gestational diabetes’. Lastly, Francesco Alesiani discussed ‘Iron-deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. Greco affirmed that “gynaecologists must address multiple problems.

In terms of prevention, with an ageing population or a young population from other Countries and cultures, it is important to pay attention to so-called non-communicable diseases but also to metabolic syndromes and eating disorders. Not to mention the prevention of infectious diseases that reduce the fertility of women and the possibility of a normal social life. Therefore a challenge that starts early on in life and continues into the childbearing and postmenopausal ages of women”. Santilli, director of the social gynaecology operative unit at the hospital of Pescara, continued: “Women over 40 must grapple with a period of their life described as climateric, when the biological clock approaches the end of fertile age. This phase is marked by the onset of hormonal change which leads to physical and pathological changes closely linked to a drop in hormone levels. As gynaecologists we work to improve women’s quality of life through treatment strategies and it is our duty to inform them on opportunities made available by pharmaceutical companies and their research”.

Pantanetti, medical director of Endocrinology at the Augusto Murri hospital, Fermo, added that “there is a close correlation between maternal and foetal thyroid function, therefore close monitoring of the gland during pregnancy is important. The slightest iodine or thyroid hormone deficiency can have devastating effects, also on the unborn child, especially to the brain. Attention deficit disorders may develop in children, or hyperkinetic syndromes: therefore the utmost attention is required during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Pcos (polycystic ovary syndrome) has an impact on cardiometabolic risk unless intervention strategies are pursued”.