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Ethical Code


Organizational model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 S&R Farmaceutici SpA has adopted an organizational, management and control model in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001 which has introduced in the Italian legal system the administrative liability to be borne by the company for some specific types of criminal offenses, when it is ascertained that they are committed in the interest of the same. In order to comply with the regulatory provisions, it is necessary that the Companies adopt and establish:

  • An Organizational, Management and Control Model (Model)
  • A Code of Ethics
  • A Supervisory Body

S&R Farmaceutici SpA’s Board of Directors, on the 10th of January 2019, approved the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231 and to the Code of Ethics. The Model is aimed at supporting, in a way that is completely similar to how rules and principles support ethics, personal integrity and fairness in the S&R Farmaceutici SpA operations.
The Code of Ethics indicates the founding and inspiring principles reaffirmed by the Company at the basis of its work in every field of activity: it represents the reference framework for the conduct required of those who work in the name and on behalf of the Company.
The Board of Directors of S&R Farmaceutici SpA has appointed the Supervisory Body with the objective of supervising the functioning and following of the Model as well as the objective of updating it. Any reports or requests for further information can be sent to the specific e-mail address:
or alternatively by express mail, with the indication of "Personal Reserve" to the address: Supervisory Body
Via dei Pioppi, 2

S&R Farmaceutici organizational model

S&R Farmaceutici Code of Ethics